If you want to make a difference to your energy bills , read and do all these free simple actions.
- If you have one, use a timer for your central heating so that it switches itself only when required. Setting it just before waking up and before you go to sleep are good habits.
- If you have a cylinder thermostat set the temperature at 60 degrees Celsius, that is the standard recommendation.
- If you have a combi boiler, you can also lower the hot temperature on the controllers
- Use an insulation jacket for any cylinder tanks that do not currently have one. Can save £35 a year!
- Close the curtains at evening time to prevent heat escape and check for draughts in these areas. With simple DIY you can also block air currents.
- Close bedrooms doors that are not in use. Consider also turning the TRV control down if the room is not used often.
- Turn lights off when you are not using them and if possible, replace light bulbs to LED. Can save £40 a year!
- Don’t leave appliances on standby or electrical devices charging unnecessary. You can also use a switch timer to disconnect the appliance from the main plug at a certain time. Can save £55 a year!
- Use laptops/tablets/iPad instead of Desktops. Can save £25 a year!
- Use lids when cooking, this way you can heat things faster with the same amount of energy as keeping the food as hot as possible.
- When doing washing try to fill up the laundry/ dryer /dishwasher as much as you can. One full load uses less energy than two half loads.
- Drying clothes in a clothe line instead of a dryer. Can save £35 a year!
- Use a lower temperature when washing clothes and select ECO mode if you have one or a fast washing.
- Only boil as much hot water as needed. Kettles are one of the kitchen appliances that use most electric. Can save £11 a year!
- Avoid placing hot food in the fridge or freezer.
- Fix leaking taps and use a water efficient shower head. Could save £55 a year!
- Have shorter showers
- Using a bowl to wash up rather than a running tap. Could save £25 a year!
- Install a smart meter if your supplier can provide one, a display will show your use in real time and you will become more aware of your usage and where it is coming from.
- Shop around energy suppliers to compare prices or change tariffs.